Pandemic and the Right to the Sacraments



Pandemic and the Right to the Sacraments


The pandemic clearly would equate to a just cause for confessions to be heard outside of a confessional. Social distancing and even quarantine are necessary to protect not only the priest but also the penitents. A number of priests have developed creative ways to respect confidentiality, the sacrament, and the health of all involved. Some priests have engaged in outdoor “parking lot” confessions in which the penitent sits in the car (of course, only one person per car), and the priest sits at a prescribed distance from the car window, with a confessional screen placed so the identity of the penitent is protected. Traffic control agents are placed to ensure proper distance between cars. Some diocesan bishops have prohibited this, and of course the permission of one’s local diocesan bishop should be sought before pursuing this strategy. The local health department also should be contacted, for example, with questions about the danger of droplet contagion due to the manner in which confessions are heard. The Church’s Apostolic Penitentiary has identified prudential measures for celebrating Penance, including “the celebration in a ventilated place outside


Sacrament of confession, when COVID-adapted

has community

The National Catholic Bioethics Center

Spatial Coverage

Philadelphia, Pennslyvania

has denomination

Roman Catholic

Date Submitted

12/7/2020 10:27

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