Rosh Hashanah to the classical rabbis was Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment, in their writings we are judged by God for the year that has transpired. For those who no longer ascribe to that theology, today rabbis also talk about our judging ourselves. Either way, the question we need to ask ourselves today is how can I be a better person? And is there something I can do to make the world better a better place? As I discussed the holidays with my colleagues, it became clear to me that one area of concern where most of us can improve is in listening. If I can be a better listener, then I can be a better friend, colleague, family member; I can improve myself. And if I listen to those with whom I disagree, then I can help make the world a better place too by reducing the tension; and the level of rhetoric by listening rather than just stating my position louder in opposition. Listening is not easy, it takes effort, but it is worth doing.
Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.
has community
Shomarei Torah Congregation
Spatial Coverage
New Jersey
has denomination
Conservative Jewish
Date Submitted
12/2/2020 12:34