Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church


Title of item excerpted / highlighted

Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

Text of excerpt, if available

We'll break from first Corinthians and we'll do something special for these three or four weeks as it's different for us as we're gathering in different spaces, but the word will be preached nonetheless. And we want you to know that we want you to commit to this and to be involved in this, but we need for these to be healthy, safe spaces. So if you're sick or if you're especially vulnerable to being sick in this time, then we would ask that you stay home, but know that we love you.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Jeremy Treat

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