Updated March 26, 2020 We have been hearing stories of hardships as well as stories of hidden blessings. One of the things that we have been hearing is a simple, "What can I do to help?" We have held on giving specifics until we were ready, but we are now more ready to issue a CALL TO ACTION for our church. We are calling our Living Hope Family to be light to our community by giving blood, bread & prayer. Call to Blood1 In order to love our neighbors, we want to help with the critical blood shortage. On April 5 (Sunday) between 10am-4pm, Living Hope will be hosting a Red Cross blood drive on our church campus. This is an essential community service that is allowed and encouraged by the city, county, state, and federal government as it is a lifesaving activity. Red cross will handle all of the details while we are happy to host. Our goal is to have 100 donors. Click Here for additional details or to make an appointment to give blood! Call to Bread1 During this period, Living Hope is helping: Elderly in the Community in Need - We are partnering with Neighborhood Life Church & Grocery Outlet to deliver care packages to the elderly who are unable to shop. Needy Families in the Community - Living Hope Community Partnership (charity arm of LHCC) is partnering with Brea Olinda Unified School District & others to help nearly 200 families with gift cards. Living Hope Families in Need - For those within our church family, we are offering assistance through gift cards and shopping help. If you attend Living Hope and are in need of assistance, please request here. What You Can Do: Give Online - A portion of regular tithe will go to this cause. If you are not experiencing financial hardship, we ask you to give beyond your tithe to the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Click Here to Give Online - select "CV Relief Fund." Help Deliver - If you would like to help deliver gift cards or care packages, please email Michael Lee. Call to Pray1 Above all, the people of God need to pray. During the duration of the "Stay at Home" order, Living Hope will not have Early Morning Prayer. Rather, we will pray together through Prayer Chapel Live every Tuesday evening at 8:30pm. Please join us as we livestream on our Living Hope Facebook. Watch our latest Prayer Chapel Live below.