Collected Item: “Arabic Sermon and Prayer #COVID-19”
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Arabic Sermon and Prayer #COVID-19
URL, if any
Type of response:
Date, if any
November 13, 2020
Author (individual or group)
Islamic Foundation of Toronto
Religious movement (specify)
Sunni Islam
Religious movement (pick list)
Sunni Islam
Toronto, Ontario
Zip Code (US) or Country and Postal code
Your own response:
The prayer begins by explaining the concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as sharing his sympathy with the one's effected by the virus. The speaker proceeds to state the local COVID statistics and reaffirming the sympathy towards the effected members. Afterwards he shares the funding in place to prevent the spread of COVID and prevention tactics included, but not limited to cleaning of the building, sanitation of the areas used, keeping a 2 meter distance from other members and wearing a mask at all times, if not speaking.
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