PGV media item set
Item set
Bishop's Statement on Church Services During Coronavirus
Recommended Preventative Practices and FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders
Let's Pray - Why we pray. What is prayer? How we pray.
Communion During Coronavirus
Episicopal Encouragement May 24-30
Episicopal Encouragement May 17-23
Webinar #2: What We Need to Know and Do: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
What We Need to Know and Do: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) AMEC Webinar
Why we need a solid foundation for navigating the ethics of big tech
Faith in The Storm
You Mean I Can’t What? Religious Freedom in Difficult Times
Weekend viewing: Watch ‘America Lost’ for free
Week 4 of #StayAtHome: Expanding to serve you!
We've All Been Exposed
We Are Fighting COVID-19 Together
Very very stressful': Bivocational pastors losing income during COVID-19
Vatican’s Commission for Covid-19
Upaya Health and Safety Statement for COVID-19
UCC National Response to Racism and Xenophobia
Turkey: Diyanet allows Muslims to perform Friday prayers at home
Tokyo Union Church and COVID-19: Letter to the Congregation
THE UNITED RIFORMED CHURCH – Updated advice to churches about coronavirus (19 March 2020)
The Saffron Wave Against Virus. The Hindu Nationalists and the CoViD-19 Emergency
The sacrifice of social distancing
The Psychology of Crisis
The Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA), American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) strongly recommend the Muslim community to take precautions
The Greek Orthodox Church at the time of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic
The Ecumenical Patriarchate for the Holy Communion: Instructions by the international Health Organization and the State ought to be followed
The Communion of Empty Hands: Words of Edification, Inspiration, and Instruction
The Building is Empty But So is The Grave (COVID-19 Update, 04/06/20)
Strength in Weakness
South Korea – A White Paper about Shincheonji Church
Soka Gakkai Italian Buddhist Institute donates its 8×1000 for Coronavirus emergency
Snapshots: U.S. Alliance Churches Provide Care in Chaos
Sirico & Bahnsen: Liberty & Morality in the Midst of Crisis
SECRETARIAT OF STATE (HOLY SEE) – Special Rules to be Observed in the Dicasteries and in the other Entities of the Holy See or connected to it and ib the Governorate of the Vatican City State, for the containment of COVID-19 (8 March 2020)
Seacoast Strategy: Pastoring During Coronavirus
Rev. Traci Blackmon, UCC Associate General Minister
Rev. Sirico on Fox Business: Coronavirus helps us appreciate human relationships
RESCRIPTUM EX AUDIENTIA SS.MI – Rescript of the Holy Father Francis: the judicial activity in Vatican City State is suspended (19 March 2020)
Psalm 20
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Word to the Church: On Our Theology of Worship
Pope’s Holy Week message: ‘Creativity of love can overcome isolation’
Penn Central Conference UCC to churches
North California Nevada Conference Minister
Maundy Thursday Devotional
Live-Streaming Communion?
Letter of the Abbot General of the Order Cistercians for the time of epidemic
Let not your heart be troubled
Leaning into Covenant During the Pandemic (COVID-19 Update, 3/30/20)
LA STAMPA – An Exlusive Interview with Pope Francis on Coronavirus Desease
A Post-Corona Reflection
Innovation on Easter: Church spends Sunday making masks
How freer markets can help during the coronavirus crisis with Rev. Robert Sirico (Video 2)
How Church Leaders Are Responding to the Challenges of COVID-19
How are Muslim authorities fighting against coronavirus?
Guidence for Large Gathering Including Faith-Based Orgs
Guide to Working From Home
Give Us Reliable Data. It's The Most Effective Way To Fight Hate Crimes
FIRST-PERSON: Responding to the COVID-19 crisis with grace
Episcopal Conference of Italy – Suggestions for the Celebration of Sacraments in Covid-19 Emergency Time.
Épidémie Covid-19 : recommandations de la CEF adressées aux évêques et aux responsables de mouvements et associations
Eileen Campbell-Reed’s Prophetic Listening
Ecumenical Patriarch Announces Halt of All Orthodox Church Services Globally Due to Coronavirus
Dr. Amy Erickson: Fast Faith
Crisis Leadership, Christian Leadership, and the Corona Epidemic
Coronavirus: Yogi Adityanath’s Tough Move Against Quarantined Islamic Sect Members
Church in Cambodia: Stand firm in faith and close to the fragile
Church Funding & Engagement in the Midst of COVID-19 (Blog)
Christ-Centered Insights on the coronavirus
Caring in West Africa
Caring in the Philippines
Caring in Indonesia
CARES Act Information for Alliance Churches
Cancellations & Refunds Due To Coronavirus in Lomdus & Halacha
Asian Americans Are Facing Violent Xenophobia During the Coronavirus Outbreak. Jews Have A Responsibility to Speak Out.
ARQUIDIOCESE DE SÃO PAULO – Comunicado sobre a suspensão temporária de Celebrações Religiosas
Archdiocese of Tokyo: Precautionary Measures Concerning COVID-19
Apostolic Penitentiary (Holy See) – Note on the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the current pandemic situation
Apostolic Penitentiary (Holy See) – Decree according to which Special Indulgences are granted to the Faithful on the Occasion of the Current Pandemic Situation
An open letter from the Chief Rabbis of the world
American Jewish Committee Advocacy Anywhere Offers Innovative Online Programs
Alliance Missions During COVID-19
Alliance Benefits Offers Relief for Those Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Year with Matthew for a Matthew 25 Church
A Word on Coronavirus
A Proposal for Peace in Covid-19 Emergency, from Fabio Corazzini, a catholic priest member of Pax Christi.
A Prayer for the World, by Jennifer Hornbuckle
A Non-Physical Communion Liturgy, Northminster Church, Monroe, LA
A message from the General Minister and President
5 Ways to Celebrate Palm Sunday at Home This Year
“When Pain and Sorrow are Too Much to Bear”
“Non in pane solo vivet homo”. Catholics in front of Covid-19
“Iglesia ante Coronavirus, Accion pastorales frente a la emergencia sanitaria del Covid-19”
“COVID-19, Religion and Belief” Webinar Series 9-16-23 April
‘Care for one another during the Coronavirus pandemic’ – Further advice of the Irish Bishops in response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus
The Bible and the Deadly Virus! (How to Prepare)
Palm Sunday: A Reason for Celebration?