Transcript of God and Pestilence +I
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Transcript of God and Pestilence +I
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Defiance or deference to govt & secular policy; Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!
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You see we're tall to obey magistrates. We're taught to obey the higher power we're taught to obey the rule of government. And I would tell you To do that because the Bible says obey magistrates. He was in a difficult place. He asked me, what would you? He said, because half of my folks want to have church. Half of them don't some of them are scared and I'm scared if I have it. I'm not following the laws of the land. What do you do? You're in a straight between two, you've got two law givers telling you to do opposite things I wanted. This is very real folks. I want to talk about concerning God coronavirus, man's law and God's law. We're taught very distinctly in the scriptures. Romans 13, You see, this is just not my opinion. None of this is my opinion. I have an opinion. I trust that my opinion coincides with God's opinion, Romans chapter 13, Let every soul be subject unto the higher power Four. There is no power, but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God, whoso, therefore resistance, the power resist this, the ordinance of God And they, that resist shall receive to themselves. Damnation for rulers are not a terror of good works, but to the evil, well, then not be afraid of the power. Do that, which is good. And that shall have praise of the same.
Are we supposed to obey magistrates? Paul said we were, Paul's not the only one. Let's go to Peter first. Peter chapter two.
Are we supposed to obey magistrates? Paul said we were, Paul's not the only one. Let's go to Peter first. Peter chapter two.
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