Transcript of Necessity of In-person fellowship +F


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Transcript of Necessity of In-person fellowship +F

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Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Unity of religious community

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And in his mind, that is as a precious jewel that beautiful think about right. And I would hope that I would have a desire for my name to be in the Lord's fellowship book of remembrance a whole lot more than it not being in there. That's a good place to be. Right? That's a good place that the Lord makes note of that. Then he wants to Mark this event. So to say, I'm not that he's going to forget it. Not that it changes any, anything in his mind, but speaking from our perspective, he is making special node with his people that feared the Lord spake often one with another. And we need to have a desire to have that fellowship because it's not just about placing a date on the calendar and making sure that you go through it. That is an organic function of the church.

It's not saying that we need to make sure that we accomplish this. It should. So it should be something that happens naturally when the body's healthy, right. We desire to speak. We don't, I don't want to talk to the guy that I have no, nothing in common with that engages in activities that I don't agree with, that I don't want to speak to him about things that he keeps talking to me about at the workplace. That's not who I want to spend time in fellowship with. I want to spend time with people that we can talk about the ward, right? I want to spend time with people that fear the Lord and we can speak of think on his name because

When that happens, we have fellowship with this, our savior. We have fellowship with Jesus Christ. And I certainly hope we crave that you long for that fellowship and eight intense craving and just like a craving, the more you don't have it, you can have one of two things. I guess you can either just get over the craving or that craving just gets more intense. And I hope your craving has got more intense over the last nine weeks because mine sure has. My craving has not went away. My craving needed to have it sticks in a good way, in a good way. Cause we need that fellowship. And I love y'all, but ultimately I want to have fellowship with the Lord and it's by us spending time one with another that we can have fellowship, not just with one another, but have fellowship with the Lord.

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Ackerman, MS, 39735

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Macedonia PBC

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Necessity of in person fellowship Excerpted and highlighted parts