Help in Trouble +K


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Help in Trouble +K

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Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!

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It's a crisis with far reaching effects, schools being closed, some businesses being closed, companies that normally have their people traveling say, there's no more travel. Hairline's cutting back dramatically on the number of flights that they're operating people in some cases are being asked to work from home jobs, therefore being affected, major sporting events, being canceled it's possible. There could be some permanent changes as a result of what's occurring. Now maybe decided that a shot necessary for everybody to be in the office every day might be decided that some of the travel that was thought to be so important and really necessary might be some changes as far as how schools are conducted. And all of that is uncertainty, which we can only say, yes, this is a unique time, a time of special trouble. Certainly with the stock market, going down and up hit has caused a lot of anxiety with many may bring about longterm changes. As far as investments are concerned, how business is done in the marketplace, but considering the scope of the trouble, let's think about the source of help.

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