Help in Trouble +C


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Help in Trouble +C

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This is the beginning of trouble. They were driven from the garden to face suffering, disease, storms, floods, and death.

All of it came as a result of sin. And so the scriptures make it perfectly clear that we need not be surprised when we encounter trebles, whatever short they might be. The book of job, chapter 14 verse one says, man, that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble, full of trouble. He reached certain places in life where you say, I can certainly relate to that. Text is not just the ordinary troubles that face from time to time. But right now it seemed blocked. They're piling up. It's all kinds of troubles. The word trouble speaks of being at a tight place of being in a corner and unable to get out. Now, there are all kinds of troubles in old Testament times, many of them sent as judgment from God because of sin. In Noah's day, there was a worldwide flood that destroyed all the inhabited earth shaved. The eight shows that were in Noah's Ark.

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