Help in Trouble +H


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Help in Trouble +H

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Suffering; Good deeds and service to others; Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Unity of religious community

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e was visiting the sick and preaching funerals. They said he reached the point that he was physically and emotionally exhausted, wondering how I could possibly go on, but he found the promise in God's word that gave him courage and turning to the Lord. He had the strength to continue. And so it was a dark time. And yet one in which God used his faithful servant to be able to minister to those around him in 1918, the churches of Washington DC had to continue discontinue services during the outbreak of the Spanish flu. So the fact that these epidemics pandemics, plagues troubles come upon us. It's not something new. It's not something to be started about as though this has never occurred. Now we think about this current crisis. Well, it's a crisis with much uncertainty.

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Cincinnati OH

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Cincinnati PBC

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