Help in Trouble +L


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Help in Trouble +L

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Fear; Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!; Unity of religious community

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Well, somebody said, well, what if I get sick? What if I get this virus? Well, certainly we should take all of the precautions that are being recommended. If you get sick, you want to seek medical help. You don't want to expose yourself to other people. You would pray for recovery. If you got sick, just like you would with any other kinds of sickness, you pray. Knowing that thought is able to heal the sick and you trust the Lord because you know that with him, all things are possible. You would pray for others. You pray for others who might be shit and others that have need. And if there's opportunity to help somebody that needs help, whether it's helping the person who is sick or helping the person who has lost their job or whatever, there ought to be concerned about others. That's part of what Christianity is all about. Well, person just prone to worry. I had people who obviously had decided they had been a longterm warrior and they weren't planning to change. Just that me. I'm a worrier from way back, but worry is a sin. How, how, how can I overcome worry?

Coronavirus is a concern, but it doesn't compare to the chaos that's described in the Psalm. We read about the mountains being carried into the sea, therefore will not fear the earth be removed. And though the mountains be carried into the sea, though the waters there over roar and be troubled with the mountain, shake with the swelling there. Oh, if you're troubling with fear and your feeling patches, you need to remember this Romans chapter eight, beginning with the 28th verse four. I am persuaded that neither death, nor life nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which has given us in Christ Jesus, our Lord, and that good to note, no matter what it is, life, life can sometimes be worse than death for persons in excruciating pain.

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