Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?



Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?


In 1939, at the dawn of the Second World War, and with the CIC-17 having been promulgated and in force, Pius XII, with the Apostolic Exhortation Asperis Commoti[34], announced that he was thinking of granting “new and extraordinary faculties to all the Military Ordinariates or Chaplains of the nations or regions in which the state of war or mobilization exists or will exist — without prejudice to the ordinary faculties already granted. These new and extraordinary faculties”, which were phenotyped by the Penitentiary on August 30th, and by the Sacred Consistorial Congregation, on December 8, 1939, in the Index Facultatum[35], provided for the possibility of general absolution to be further enlarged to englobe entire groups of civilians exposed to cannonades and aerial bombardments[36]


Sacrament of confession, when COVID-adapted

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Other Christians


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Date Submitted

12/4/2020 1:05

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