Streaming Seder



Streaming Seder


If this is not possible, ways to minimize, but not eliminate, violations of Shabbat and Yom tov include (in order of decreasing preference) Arranging in advance for a non-Jewish person to activate the conference (practical in an institutional setting where there are non-Jewish workers or a household with non-Jewish members already present). Using a virtual assistant, like Siri or Alexa, to activate the stream. Logging in through a simple press of a button on an app, or clicking a link, on a device which is already activated, rather than by typing, and without having to “wake up” or turn on the device. Doing so only after dark of 2nd day Yom Tov, when the first day of Yom Tov has ended


Technological and organizational changes

has community

The Rabbinical Assembly

Spatial Coverage

New York

has denomination


Date Submitted

11/8/2020 11:26

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