Communication from Arizona Christian Science Committee on Publication



Communication from Arizona Christian Science Committee on Publication


We haven’t made a count or taken notes, but the impression is that more of the congregation is testifying, thanking God, and sharing humbly how turning to Him has freed them from fear, or relationship problems, or sickness, or some type of sin. Many share how they’ve been praying about the pandemic, racial injustice, and even the forest fires roaring through the nearby mountains (which have been dramatically visible by day and night for weeks). The physical healings people share usually tell how someone has gained a deeper, spiritual understanding of God’s nature and their (and everyone’s) relationship to Him through study of the Bible, by following Jesus more closely, by reading Christian Science materials, or simply by earnest, honest prayer and listening for His guidance.


Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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Christian Science

Spatial Coverage


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Christian Science

Date Submitted

10/21/2020 20:42

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