Never Alone



Never Alone


And I can tell from my conversations with the mom, that she was having the same experience, she was starting to see her little one as not so vulnerable, not so able to be disturbed or troubled by circumstances. Yeah, the moment I prayed along those lines for the rest of the evening, until she called me back the next morning to say that the baby was doing just fine, clear skinned and good natured for the first time in days, our only change really had been our outlook now based on ideas from God. Well, the family and I were thrilled, but there was more to the story, something that I had not realized. And that was that for years. Well, before the baby came, this mom had struggled with binge eating or food addiction. Okay. And in the time that she and I prayed wholeheartedly for her baby, the mom herself was completely healed of this destructive habit. You can imagine how thrilled she was. She wasn't expecting that. Well, when she called me to tell me of this second healing, she said to me, you know, you and I weren't even praying about this addiction. I feel like the ideas did the work and she's right. I mean, ideas from God work in us. They work on our behalf. In fact, if you get one thing, one takeaway from this, I hope that's it. That divine love is an infinitely more significant source of practical guidance and ideas and wisdom to your life than the trendiest newsfeed is. You know, when that mom was willing to turn away from her own little info, demic ideas from God rushed in and wiped out her feelings of fear or vulnerability and replaced them with secure ideas about self-worth and purpose that worked so well for her. How do we do that?


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Christian Science

Date Submitted

12/3/2020 23:25

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