Palm Sunday Service 2020



Palm Sunday Service 2020


Now the time that we want to find in the little club, but what was in my refrigerator and you bless and consecrate today. God, we virtually answer an empty temp with faint hosannas on our tongue. Let not our devotion die. We hold these ancient symbols of bread and wine reminding us of the meal that you shared with your disciples, the meal through which day. And we said, remember you was the night. You were betrayed by disciple. So bread and wine and blessed them, but made them a sacrament. We once again concentrate these tokens, not as brothers, but as reminders of your sacrifice of blood, the body and blood broken his shit because of your great love of Calgary. Now in a different space, a sacred by our present purpose, you partake of the bread. And we sit from the cup. We feast on these emblems of faith. We're grateful that you are present with us Emmanuel, even in a pandemic healer, deliverer, less savior forever. Amen.


[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic

has community

Quinn Chapel AME Church

Spatial Coverage

Chicago, IL, USA

has denomination

African Methodist Episcopal Church



Date Submitted

10/6/2020 14:32

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