Perfect Love Drives Out Fear



Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


We're syncing to every day. And so your staff is even thinking about this need for human connection, that maybe the midweek pastors, email's not going to be enough. We need to do more. And so, for example, we're going to do midday prayers on Facebook, Facebook live at 12 o'clock to 1215. I'm going to start us off Monday, Wednesday, Friday, midday prayers as a way of connecting with you throughout the week on top of our weekend service that you can, you can follow online. So I, I want us to think about that. There's a lot of the thought and intentionality behind the prerecorded videos behind the liturgy, by who we are through this and who we might be on the other side, we're not just doing what other churches might be doing, but it's not elitist. We're just, this is who we are. And we're going to be intentional about it.


[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings

has community

Grantham Church

Spatial Coverage

Mechanicsburg, PA

Date Submitted

11/10/2020 11:29

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