Perfect Love Drives Out Fear



Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


There is our hope. There is the spirit of love and of power and of self-discipline coming to us in the boat and folks we're all in the boat. We're all on the boat and here comes Jesus. And we want to experience Jesus in the boat. Amen. That's what we want. And go back to first, John chapter four, verse 18 and listen to this and I I'm I'm I'm nearing the end here. First John chapter four, verse 18. This is what John told us. He said there is no fear in love because perfect love drives out fear. Perfect. Love drives out fear. Now, now get this in the Greek. The word there for perfect is the word we get. Tell us, right? We've talked about the word alive. Grant them the end goal. Perfect love complete love at the finish line, which looks like Jesus. Right love at the finish line for us is when we are fully fashioned and formed in jesus' image.



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Grantham Church

Spatial Coverage

Mechanicsburg, PA

Date Submitted

11/10/2020 11:35

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