God is Still Center of Gravity: Keep Coronavirus in Perspective



God is Still Center of Gravity: Keep Coronavirus in Perspective


Sometimes we overemphasize how those who do not have God's revelation, those who are outside of the visible confines of the church, those who do not know the gospel, those who do not know the teachings of the church, we sometimes overemphasize how it is possible for them nonetheless, to be saved, which is true. But we over overemphasize it to the point of meaning that they are automatically saved, which is sadly not the case. The possibility does not mean an automatic reality. And even when that possibility exists, it exists in great difficulties.


R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)

has community

Friary Chapel

Spatial Coverage

New Bedford, Massachusetts

has denomination

Roman Catholic

Date Submitted

11/11/2020 17:01

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