Lent and Eucharistic Absence in the Age of Coronavirus



Lent and Eucharistic Absence in the Age of Coronavirus


It is often not recognized enough that the period of time that follows the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday until the first spark that ignites the wick of the Paschal Candle at the Easter Vigil is a moment of “Real Absence” of the presence of Jesus Christ. He has died, he now lies in a tomb, and for everyone who associated with or knew him, that was the end of all that once seemed so promising. While we as believers know that in truth this was not the end, we would be mistaken to gloss over the death of Jesus Christ as a type of sleep.


Analogies to Mythic Narratives

has community

Catholic Diocese of Raleigh

Spatial Coverage

Raleigh, NC

has denomination

Roman Catholic

Date Submitted

10/21/2020 18:05

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