Being a Good Samaritan In a Day of COVID-19



Being a Good Samaritan In a Day of COVID-19


Journalist Peter Arnett tells of a time he was in Israel, in a small village on the West Bank. A bomb exploded. Bodies flew through the air and there was blood everywhere. A man came running up to Peter holding a little girl in his arms. He pleaded with Peter to take her to a hospital. He said, “As a member of the press, you’d be able to get through the security checkpoints.” Peter and the man cradling the girl in his arms, jumped in his car and rushed to the hospital. The whole time the man was pleading for him to go faster. He was heartbroken at the thought that the little girl might die. Sadly, the little girl’s injuries were too great. She died on the operating table. When the doctor came out to give them the news, the man collapsed in tears. Peter Arnett was at a loss for words. “I don’t know what to say,” he told the man. “I can’t imagine what you must be going through. I’ve never lost a child.” It was then that the man said, “Oh, mister! That girl was not my daughter. I’m an Israeli settler. She was a Palestinian. But there comes a time when each of us must realize that every child, regardless of that child’s background, is a daughter or a son. There must come a time when we realize that we are all family.”


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Zumbro Lutheran Church

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Rochester, MN, 55902

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Date Submitted

10/7/2020 18:54

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