Corpus Christi Church 5:00PM Liturgy - Third Sunday of Lent



Corpus Christi Church 5:00PM Liturgy - Third Sunday of Lent


The tendency to be always on and always working and always responsible and probably even more so during a time of crisis. But our faith tradition has a check on this and it's called Sabbath. It's about taking a break, taking time for ourselves and taking time for God so that we can be spiritual, spiritually refreshed and physically renewed and emotionally renewed to keep doing the work we need to be doing. There's a lot of work associated with this crisis, both making sure we're informed about what's going on and also rearranging our lives. And we need to do this work well, but we also need to take breaks every day from this work, it's easy to be constantly dwelling on the negative or dwelling on the crisis we can get, we can be overexposed ourselves to this news and the hysteria and the negativity and the warnings. So we need to make sure we are taking Sabbath so that we are not completely consumed by this. And there are many ways we can take Sabbath during this time. Maybe exercise is your way of taking Sabbath. Maybe it's snuggling and reading with your kids or your grandkids. Maybe it's walking your dog or journaling or making music, whatever it is that you can do to refresh your spirits. You absolutely need to be doing during this time.


[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic

has community

Corpus Christi Church

Spatial Coverage

Piedmont, CA 94611

has denomination

Roman Catholic



Date Submitted

10/7/2020 19:46

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