Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One



Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One


5. Forward Signs. When Jesus came his signs were almost all pointing forward toward a new world, to a new creation, not back at the old one. When Jesus healed a leper he was saying, this is the sign of God’s coming. When Jesus announced forgiveness he was saying, this is the sign. When he celebrated parties with all the wrong people he was saying, this is the sign. When he took the role of a servant and washed his friends feet he was saying, this is the sign. When he hung on the cross and died he was saying, this is the sign. And when he was raised to new life in three days he was saying, this is the sign!


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Vineyard Columbus

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Westerville, OH

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Orthodox Christianity

Date Submitted

10/25/2020 21:19

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