Understanding the times



Understanding the times


Was studying there. His sermons and his teachings suddenly took at least that part of the country by the throat and said, listen. And he preached. And he took some of these words and he used them to read into what was happening in the world. At that time, especially in terms of the economy, the economy is going to collapse. This is the month. And he predicted this is the month in which it will collapse. And when it collapses, that's when the final events will immediately begin to transpire and Jesus will come once again, there was a fervor that accompanied everything that he says, said, I can remember sitting in the campus church, large church On a Saturday night, packed listening as this man preach.


M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

has community

Loma Linda University Church

Spatial Coverage

Loma Linda, CA

has denomination

Seventh Day Adventists

Date Submitted

12/2/2020 13:43

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