The Finger of God & COVID-19



The Finger of God & COVID-19


Even this pandemic is something that God is going to use for the good of His people and for the good of His Kingdom. And as those who know this—who have this peace—we can now “give a reason for the hope that we have!” In a sense YOU get to be the finger of God as you can share Jesus with the crowds around us who need Him! We get to be the unshakeable calm in the midst of the storm. We can let our lights shine in the darkness of despair. We know the Finger of God is with us—which means we have the confident assurance that in all things, everything is going to be just fine! Glory Be to God! AMEN.     The Peace of God which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds through faith in Christ Jesus, Amen. 


Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School

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Date Submitted

10/21/2020 18:27

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