To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice



To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice


Now on Easter night, on John's telling of the Pentecost, Jesus makes his disciples like him by free choice, by his own act of will, and names them his friends. The disciples are now in Christ. His breath is in their lungs, and they are made in new Creation. The story from the book of Acts is different. Fifty days have passed since the first Easter Day. But again, we find the disciples gathered in the upper room when the Holy Spirit comes upon them and does so also as a wind, which blows over and around and through them, a mighty wind like an indoor hurricane, which in its passing, leaves tongues of flame above the heads of the disciples.


Easter, when COVID-adapted

has community

Trinity Church Wall Street

Spatial Coverage

New York, NY

has denomination

Episcopal Parish

Date Submitted

10/5/2020 19:55

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