To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice



To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice


One of the highest costs of this COVID crisis for me is that we have had to suspend the practice of confirmation, the sacrament by which we rediscover, renew, and embrace all over again the spirit within us and the spirit- filled lives, which are our true calling. When I was a parish priest, the bishop would come to my church every other year and we would have confirmation and he would go away again. They were glad to see him come and glad to see him go. But then I became a bishop and confirmation became my life, my almost every Sunday, week after week practice of worship and prayer.


COVID-adapted Misc. lifecycle events (except funerals, weddings, baptisms)

has community

Trinity Church Wall Street

Spatial Coverage

New York, NY

has denomination

Episcopal Parish

Date Submitted

10/5/2020 20:02

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