To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice



To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice


We must be part of that justice if we hope to be part of the peace. But over the months of the COVID pandemic, we have watched as the wealthy have fled the city to weekend in summer homes, while the poor have been left clustered in dense apartment buildings at the center of the epidemic. We have watched, and many of us have been the privileged, working safely from home on full salary, while those who serve in hospitals, and drive ambulances, and who pack and deliver groceries and pharmaceuticals, and who deliver for restaurants, and who care for old people in nursing homes, and drive subways and taxis, are forced day after day back into the public square, and jobs which expose them to continual risk of disease.


[don't use] Embodiment

has community

Trinity Church Wall Street

Spatial Coverage

76 Trinity Pl New York, NY 10006

has denomination

Episcopal parish



Date Submitted

10/4/2020 19:05

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