To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice



To Bring Peace, We Must Strive for Justice


n our baptismal covenant, we promise to quote, "strive for justice and peace, and respect the dignity of every human being." This is of Christ. This is part of the transformation to a fuller and more glorious humanity before God. We are all of us participants in a culture and economy which dehumanizes people of color, and counts their lives so cheap. So the striving for justice will require something from every one of us. White supremacy is written into the American character in ways of which White people are often unaware.


[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

has community

Trinity Church Wall Street

Spatial Coverage

76 Trinity Pl New York, NY 10006

has denomination

Episcopal parish



Date Submitted

10/4/2020 19:15

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