Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream
Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church August 22, 2020 Livestream
Today, wherever you are watching this message. Remember Jesus never fails. He will always be there with you. And as you face the challenges of life, as you face the flames, remember Jesus is walking through those flames with you, because he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Won't you decide right now to invite Jesus, to join you. As you walk through the challenges of life, let's pray.
[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts
Spatial Coverage
1636 Sinaloa Rd, Simi Valley, CA 93065
has denomination
Seventh-Day Adventist
Date Submitted
10/5/2020 19:26