Message to Youth regarding the CoronaVirus (COVID-19)



Message to Youth regarding the CoronaVirus (COVID-19)


Right? So we may, they use Bismillah, you know, before we eat, we may use Bismillah. When we put on our clothes or remove our clothes, we made you a bismillah when we leave our home right. And so forth and so on. Right. And bismillah itself, it brings, you know, a law's blessing, whatever we, we do, it can bring the mercy from a <inaudible> right. But this particular door, though, I would like to share with our young people today is using the name of a law who soprano what the Allah for protection from, for protecting us from, from any harm. And the doula is Latin levy. <inaudible> he shaved on the <inaudible> right. That we begin in the name of a law who with his name, right by his name, nothing in the earth. Right. And nothing in these heavens can do any harm. Right. That if we connect ourself with the name of a law Bismillah, righ


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Irving Masjid

Spatial Coverage

Irving, Texas

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Islam, general

Date Submitted

10/12/2020 14:28

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