Rabbi Pruzansky - Hester Panim - Mashiach - Last Days of Pesach 5780



Rabbi Pruzansky - Hester Panim - Mashiach - Last Days of Pesach 5780


What is the Diddy teaching us? The Benish HAI said it's actually a reference to CS Mitzrayim because in fact, they were innocent. People that suffered it. You'd see if mr. I am for reasons that we don't understand. And in fact, the Egyptians themselves had a claim. Why God are you punishing us? When all we're doing Is fulfilling. The Promise that you made to us from your da TA, da, he Gary, as our Hubbard's Lola him. <inaudible>, you're the one who told us from that, his descendants will be enslaved in a land, not theirs for 400 years. We're just fulfilling your will to which God respond to the midstream. It didn't say they had to go to Mitzrayim. It didn't say that the Egyptians had to be the persecutors. All it said was Gary Hazara. Barrett's Lolo him a land, not theirs. You, the Egyptians were the ones who chose to persecute the Jewish people. You were the ones who got involved in a quarrel. That's not yours. You did it for your Own reasons. You thought That was God's justice. In fact, from your perspective, it was only injustice


R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)

Spatial Coverage

Cong. Bnai Yeshurun (Teaneck, NJ)

has denomination

Orthodox Judaism

Date Submitted

11/9/2020 19:01

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