Spiritual Analysis and Remedies of the Racial Unrest and COVID-19



Spiritual Analysis and Remedies of the Racial Unrest and COVID-19


It is vexing to me that it takes police killing black people repeatedly to expose this, but that’s where we’re at. The oath of office for a police officer ought to be very simple – do you promise to behave as John Baptist exhorted you to behave? “And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.” (Luk 3:14) Remember in that context the soldiers were the law enforcement of the day, and this admonition is about their daily role tending to the peace. Gill has a great little analysis of this; he says “do violence to no man; or ‘shake’ him, or put him, into bodily fear, by threatening, hectoring, and bullying him, and drawing the sword upon him, which is usual, upon the least offence, for such persons to do”. That sounds like the exact description of law enforcement today, and we have a LOT of experience with law enforcement all across this country, so we’re in a position to speak to this matter.


Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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Spatial Coverage

Westboro Baptist Church

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Primitive Baptist

Date Submitted

11/9/2020 23:03

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