COVID-19 and Teshuvah



COVID-19 and Teshuvah


I have to say that this is the strangest Rosh Hashanah I have ever experienced and I suspect that is true for many, if not most of us. Typically, I look out on Rosh Hashanah and see hundreds of people here at this annual religious gathering. But not this year, I am looking at a mostly empty sanctuary, at cameras and a large monitor, all from behind my Plexiglass shield; and you are at home participating in our service from the screen of your devise.  And yet, it is nonetheless Rosh Hashanah, another year has closed and new one has begun. I certainly hope that 5781 is a better year than 5780 was. In spite of the strangeness and the modifications, the annual theme of the High Holy Days remains the same – Teshuvah/Repentance.   Each year on Rosh Hashanah we acknowledge that we have fallen short of our goals, express remorse, set new goals and strive to repdo better. So, if we find ourselves in the same place each year why do we continue on this merry go round? Because if we do it well, we are not in the same place as we were a year ago. We have grown and changed, but because we are human we have still fallen short of our idealized vision of what we imagine we could be.  Our best selves remain elusively out of grasp and can continue to be a goal towards which we strive.


[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings

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Shomrei Torah

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New Jesey

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Conservative Jewish Congregation

Date Submitted

12/2/2020 11:18

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