COVID-19 and God's Children: Psalm 91



COVID-19 and God's Children: Psalm 91


God is not lacking in power and could certainly keep this plague physically away from us. You’ll recall He did that at the Passover when He killed the firstborn of the Egyptians. And it is absolutely appropriate for us to pray for Him to do that, if it is His will to do so. The wicked don’t have God as their refuge and their habitation. We’ll see them die without any hope. It’s not simply that they have died – it’s that they’ve died in their sins. There is no more chance for them to repent. They’ve received their reward. And for eternity, we will look upon them. (See Isaiah 66:24). It’s not a guarantee that a plague will never come near us, period. The sense is that it won’t come near us for evil. If God, in His wisdom, does send the plague near us, it won’t come near us in the same way that it comes to the wicked, but will rather be for our good. From a spiritual perspective, COVID-19 can’t get anywhere near you or your dwelling place, because you dwell in Christ.


Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.

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Westboro Baptist Church

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3701 SW 12th St., Topeka, KS 66604

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Primitive and Independent Baptist

Date Submitted

10/19/2020 15:13

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