Message to Youth regarding the CoronaVirus (COVID-19)


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Message to Youth regarding the CoronaVirus (COVID-19)

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And, you know, some of the young people today, you know, and especially myself, you know, growing up, you know, I always thought that, you know, I was invincible and some of us may have this mindset, you know, that you're feeling, you know, invincible, you know, to this Corona virus, but keep in mind in, you know, that in fact, a lot of the youth, you know, can be carriers of this virus and what's happening is that, you know, you know, the mindset of our youth is that they reading these reports, you know, saying that, you know, those people that are afflicted fall ill or, you know, even, you know, that actually has, you know, has died because of this virus or people that had underlying, you know, medical issues or they will the elderly or young people that had, you know, weak immune systems or their immune system have not fully developed it yet.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Ustadh Yusuf Jaber



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