Communicating in COVID - Oren Jay Sofer


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Communicating in COVID - Oren Jay Sofer

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Self-care and wellness

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So much of this comes down to two things: presence and intention. It’s so easy to get lost in a screen—my body disappears, the people around me disappear. I can even lose my sense of time. Yet I’ve found that meditation can help us steer clear of falling headfirst into this kind of disembodiment by teaching us how to bring mindfulness, or presence, to the moment. The more in touch we are with the body, the greater capacity we have to experience joy and connection. This allows us to notice more subtle internal signals about our energy levels, such as a need for movement or a break from the screen. While sitting and looking at a screen, can we remain aware that we are sitting?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Alex Tzelnic



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