Pamela Winfield: A meditation on Buddhism in the time of pandemic


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Pamela Winfield: A meditation on Buddhism in the time of pandemic

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Theodicy (S): Pandemic as punishment for Sin. Or not!

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The third mark of existence, loss of self (an-atman), was symbolized by the Buddha’s encounter with death, for it is only with the death of the ego-driven, narcissistic, individualistic self that true realization of our profound interdependence can be gained. If there’s anything that teaches how interconnected we all are, it’s the transmission of a pathogen from person-to-person, or even person-to-surface-to-person, until country-by-country, the entire world lights up red on the CDC’s map.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pamela Winfield



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