Welcome Shabbat with Rayut!


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Welcome Shabbat with Rayut!

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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I think it, in, in, in these times when we're really trying to sort of, again, in the space that we're in create a separation between the rest of the week and Shabbat, the mundane and the Holy, the, one of the ways we have to do that is to Mark these moments and where you mentioned with both candle lighting and have Della, this is the way that we Mark Shabbat the beginning and the end of it. And so I bring those people, my list of people who, who I'm thinking of, I bring them into Shabbat with me and sort of offer them Shabbat peace in that moment.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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