Back To The Future - Yom Kippur Sermon from Rabbi Davis


Title of item excerpted / highlighted

Back To The Future - Yom Kippur Sermon from Rabbi Davis

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)
R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)
Social and political action by religious groups
Events, historical dates, and current news

Text of excerpt, if available

54 million Americans struggling with hunger, 18 million children, one in five Minnesota children, the achievement gap in Minnesota among the worst in the nation, tens of millions of Americans on or under insured, armed militia and U S military patrolling U S cities, citizens shot in the street by vigilantes. Police shot by raging protestors. It's not normal. We're the richest country in the world. The most powerful we can certainly do better than that.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbi Davis



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