Look at this Rosh Hashanah as a bespoke experience


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Look at this Rosh Hashanah as a bespoke experience

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Fear of the Future

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A package tour is hassle free; you pick a destination, and the tour operator worries about all the logistical details. You just show up and are conveniently shuttled to location, guided through salient attractions, wined, dined and entertained. You are spared the review of schedules and hotel ratings, the burden of making choices or experience of loneliness, and any hiccup or disappointment will not be your responsibility. In some respects, Jewish institutions offer us the packaged tour version of Judaism. They offer us the convenience of an expertly designed religious experience and deliver the congregational numbers required for Torah reading and Kaddish, to lift our prayers in a chorus of song, and embody the concept of kehillah kedosha, sanctity in community. While these are aspects vital to our Jewish experience, other aspects can be achieved only through the bespoke tour approach. Planning a bespoke vacation requires a significant investment of research and reading, and demands difficult choices. It can be more expensive, expose you to inconvenience and you’ll have sole responsibility for any disappointment.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabba Dina Brawer



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