Rabbi Naomi Goldman Sermon


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Rabbi Naomi Goldman Sermon

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I don't think we'll get very much but—but we're waiting to see. Parents are wondering whether schools will be open by September. And I can tell you that every synagogue in the world is thinking about what to do about Rosh Hashanah and young people. Of course, we know that markings on a calendar, don't always reflect the reality of what's going on in our lives. Birth and death can happen at any moment, making their own impact on the annual cycle with birthdays and the outsides, just because of government propose a particular timetable for coming out of lockdown doesn't necessarily mean that things will pan out that way. But it seems to me, it as human beings, we have a deep, psychological need to have some measure of time, a way of making sense of our life by breaking it up into meaningful periods, punctuated by special days and holidays by birthdays, by big birthdays, with a zero on the end. Yesterday, we marked 75 years since the end of the second world war in Europe, three quarters of a century.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbi Naomi Goldman




Rabbi Naomi Goldman

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