Rabbis share Passover advice, messages


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Rabbis share Passover advice, messages

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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No swimming lessons were given while they were toiling away in Egypt. Even the mighty Moses, in that moment, knows not what to do. And then, from among the Israelites, one person, Nachshon, decides to do what is right. He puts his foot in the water. And the water rises to his knees, then his waist, then his shoulders, and then water pours into his mouth.Yet, he continues to declare God’s oneness. And finally, in the last possible moment, the water recedes, largely due to the impact that one brave person made. As we face this COVID-19 pandemic as a community, we must remember the power imbued in every single one of us to impact how this situation plays out. Just by staying home, by checking in on loved ones, by being careful to wash our hands, we can slow the spread of this virus and enable our brave health care workers to care for the most vulnerable among us. Like the Israelites that fateful night, we are frightened, but we must also be brave, and we must continue to be hopeful. If each of us in this community and throughout our country can channel our inner-Nachshon, we too can change history; every single one of us.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Noah Leavitt



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