Birthing the New Year 5781: Break. Breathe. Push. (Rosh Hashanah)


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Birthing the New Year 5781: Break. Breathe. Push. (Rosh Hashanah)

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Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.

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Our city, our nation, our entire world, is in the throes of some serious contractions— Protests and riots, hurricanes and wildfires, and a persistent, insistent virus that has shuttered businesses and taken nearly a million lives. We despair because it feels like everything around us is dying— our economy, our democracy, our planet. But I believe that the pain and convulsions we are feeling are not the last shudders of death and demise, but the labor pains of a new world, longing to be born.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Angela W. Buchdahl



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