OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah


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OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah

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COVID-adapted Misc. holidays adapted
[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

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Please note that in certain locales it may be advised to make the service as brief as possible and to avoid adding the activities below. Shuls that have secure outdoor spaces available, such as a parking lot, may consider assembling outdoors with masking and social distance and conducting a kumzitz-type gathering there. In line with earlier guidance, it would be prudent to avoid any such extended indoor activity. Note that this format may also be an option to replace the usual Simchat Beit HaShoeiva. In place of the seven circuits of singing and dancing, consider assigning seven individuals to “sing the praises” of the Torah by sharing a few words expressing how Torah learning or living positively impacts their life. Presenters should not be chosen based on level of scholarship, and could include those who found Torah at some point in their lives, those who have recently adopted a regular Torah learning schedule, or those who can share an inspiring personal story. Consider what you can plan specifically for the children, including possibly an outdoor Kol Hanearim without the crowding. Simchat Torah treat packages should be prepared and shared with the children either on Yom Tov or at a pre-Yom Tov drive-by. In addition to the above celebratory activities, communities may choose a modest Torah study initiative that can be inclusive of all members of the community. Consider assigning 54 members to each take a one-minute slot to share something from each of the 54 parshiyot of the Torah. Alternatively, assign 5 members to share something from each of the 5 chumashim. Consider dividing up an area of Torah learning to be undertaken by members of the community over Yom Tov, celebrating the siyum together on Simchat Torah. Consider a special emphasis on honoring or completing the parshiyot that we missed when shuls were closed. This can be accomplished through a sharing of Torah from those parshiyot, or through using the extra readings and aliyot traditional on Simchat Torah – instead of repeated readings of V’Zot Habracha – to make up the missed parshiyot. This alternative has been approved by our Poskim, Harav Hershel Schachter and Harav Mordechai Willig שליט”א. Communities and individuals should make meaningful efforts to include singles of all ages who live without family, making special efforts to welcome them to their homes and succot in a safe and responsible manner.

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