Reflect, Repair and solve: Taking responsibility for our very lives (Erev Rosh HaShanah)


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Reflect, Repair and solve: Taking responsibility for our very lives (Erev Rosh HaShanah)

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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These High Holy Days ask each of us first to reflect upon our actions.  In Hebrew this called a chesbon hanefesh, an accounting of our soul. I have good news and bad news about this soul accounting. Bad news first: we are not perfect.  And now the good news: we are not perfect.  This was true for Adam and Eve and it is true for each of us.  We live in a world where perfection is dangled before us as attainable; as a goal we should strive towards.  A captivating concept, but not a Jewish one.  Imperfection, teshuvah and chesbon hanefesh, now these are Jewish notions. Just how are we to do an accounting of our soul?  There is no Turbo Tax software for this one.  For many, the pandemic has starkly revealed our strengths and weaknesses We can harness this insight to assist us in assessing our behavior. 

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Maurice A. Salth



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