Faith in the Face of...


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Faith in the Face of...

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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Well, we follow the words of the prophet, Isaiah in the haftorah portions of these weeks. In the haftorah for Parashat eight Kev, Isaiah, this speaks of his sacred duty to express his faith in God, by comforting other people. I don't know, God gave me a skilled tongue to know how to speak timely words to the weary morning by morning, God Rouses Rouses might hear <inaudible> Isaiah to remind the people of God's own faith. And God has faith in us. Perhaps we can have faith in one another to president Roosevelt's faith in God connected directly to his faith in people and in the power of connection to lift us from the depths of despair. We hear this in his prayer on his inaugural day. Now I'm not suggesting that we need a culture of public prayer in this country, but maybe we need a culture of public faith, faith in the kindness care and presence of one another.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbi Sarah Berman



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