Rabbi Pruzansky - Hester Panim - Mashiach - Last Days of Pesach 5780
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Rabbi Pruzansky - Hester Panim - Mashiach - Last Days of Pesach 5780
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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives
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why God do you stand the loof Tal Lim Lee toe spot. Saarah you hide yourself in times of torment. And then later Houma, shh. Arise. God illness. <inaudible> death. God, raise your hand out. Tish. I know of him. Don't forget the poor, the humble ones, the ones who are afflicted. Don't forget the wicked blessed themes. God, because he says low to Roche. You will not seek after mankind, but rather you do whatever you want to do. And you pay no attention to the affairs of man. It's not. So rabbi Che was asked, why is God bringing this upon us? And he said that we never attribute evil to God. I mean, P L Yon load tight say Horowitz, but we never attribute evil. God never does evil. God is only OSA Shalom Vara. Sarco what happens though, is that when God wants his world to be punished or to be cognizant of him, he engages in Hester. Punam for no, Hey <inaudible> man. Bayamo God conceals his countenance from us.
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Rabbi Steven Pruzansky