Post Covid Realities


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Post Covid Realities

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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We need to go beyond the place of thinking about every single day in isolation, young people of today, the world is yours for the taking the people around the world needs to know what you're made of. There are so many things we can do differently. If only we can sit back and look on the other side of fear, fear is a crippler. It makes you do what you would normally not do where you're thinking, right? For most of us we're being slowed down by the power of fear. We've lost sense of reasoning and sense of leaving because we are afraid. So I asked you this afternoon again, what will you do? If you are not afraid, how will you approach life? If there is nothing stopping you, where would you go? Who would you speak to? What product we do create? What value will you add? If you know that all things is possible, but I tell you that description scripture says in the book of Mark, chapter nine of us went 23 to him who believes all things are possible to him. Who believes to him who believes all things are possible to him? Who believes if you are one of the people I'm speaking to all over the world, there is something very significant. You must remember. There is so much more you do that you are doing now.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Ayoola Jolayemi

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